About Us

Rawadari is an Afghan human rights organisation that aims to deepen and grow the human rights culture of Afghanistan, ultimately reducing the suffering of all Afghans, especially women and girls.

Rawadari helps build an Afghan human rights movement, monitors human rights violations, and pursues justice and accountability for violations. Rawadari works with individuals and collectives inside and outside Afghanistan

What we do

Human Rights Promotion

Rawadari’s work aims to expand the human rights community of Afghanistan with new constituencies and allies inside and outside the country.

Monitoring And Reporting

Rawadari provides reliable and timely information on human rights violations in Afghanistan with a focus of violations of the rights of women and girls and marginalized groups.

Victim-centered justice and accountability

Rawadari aims to employ all viable mechanisms for judicial and non-judicial accountability to combat the entrenched culture of impunity for violations committed in Afghanistan.

How we work

Provide regular and timely public information on human rights violations taking place in Afghanistan.

Deepen and grow support for human rights inside and outside Afghanistan by utilising a range of new and traditional mediums, including culture and arts.

Build and strengthen alliances to advance human rights in Afghanistan within the region and with other Muslim majority countries.

Advocate with international and regional actors to protect human rights in Afghanistan. Engage with international human rights mechanisms to advance human rights in Afghanistan.

Demand the deployment of all mechanisms forjudicial and nonjudicial accountability to confront the entrenched culture of impunity for human rights violations committed in Afghanistan.

Contribute to global human rights discourse from the unique perspective of Afghanistan.

Our Principles

We take a victim and survivor-centred approach in all our work. We ensure confidentiality and privacy in our work, especially with regard to the information and stories shared with us.

We assess the possible impact and implications of our publications on victims, survivors, sources, and colleagues. Mindful of challenges, we publish with sensitivity.

We pro-actively strengthen our relationships with Afghans inside and outside Afghanistan. We reach out to find new allies and supporters and build collaborative partnerships.

We continuously question and assess the added value and impact of our work for victims, survivors, and our collectives. We are flexible and agile and will adapt to meet their needs.

Our Values

We are experts in universal human rights principles and values. We uphold this expertise in all our work. We ensure our work is protected from personal bias. Our approach is at all times guided by these universal principles and values.
Respect for diversity
We are aware of the many differences in Afghanistan, including of background, experience, and perspective. We accept, value, and respect our differences. We believe diversity is a value and a strength. We uphold diversity, and benefit from the diversity of our team and our views.
We believe everyone should have equitable access to all resources, opportunities, and assets regardless of their ability, sex, gender, ethnicity, religion, and/or political affiliation. We make every effort to unpack, understand, and include different layers of identity in our analysis.
We believe honesty is essential to building collectives and for collective action. We understand honesty as sharing the truth of what we see and documenting without an agenda. We listen to victims and survivors with openness. We are honest in every stage of our work and with everyone we work with.
We strive to build trust and credibility amongst Afghans in the hopeful vision for Afghanistan we are co-creating and in Rawadari. We want Afghans to know that we are listening to all of them. We work every day to strengthen trust inside our own team and with our partners. We build trust by being impartial, inclusive, and honest.
We acknowledge we may make mistakes. As individuals and as an organisation, we are committed to continuous, ongoing learning. We recognise that we learn best through our interactions with people, especially Afghans whom we are here to serve. We want to learn from past experience, failures, losses, and constructive criticism.
We believe everyone should be able to exercise their free will, without harming the life, liberty, or livelihoods of other individuals and communities. We believe everyone has the right to choose how to live their life, and we respect their liberty in doing so. We believe everyone should be able to live their lives free from fear, dogma, oppression, injustice, and poverty.
Equality and Equity
While recognising the difference and diversity of Afghans, we believe that everyone is equal before the law. We uphold equality and say No to discrimination in any form and upon any basis. We strive to provide an equitable response to the needs of our diverse Afghan society. We educate ourselves in the historical and continuing injustices faced by different groups and communities in Afghanistan. We integrate an intersectional understanding of the different needs of individuals and communities in our work and ensure our responses meet the different needs.

Board of Directors

Nahid Sarabi

Advisory Board Member

Naheed Sarabi is a visiting fellow at the Center for Sustainable Development housed within the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Instit...

Huma Saeed

Advisory Board Member

Huma Saeed is a researcher with international human rights organizations. Huma is also affiliated as a senior researcher at the University of Leuven, Belgium...

Rachel Reid

Advisory Board Member

Rachel Reid is a human rights expert, artist and activist. Rachel is currently leading a war crimes investigation for The Docket, part of the Clooney Justice...

Siavash Rahbari

Advisory Board Member

Siavash Rahbari is a rule of law development professional who has worked on legal aid and legal education with The Asia Foundation and provided technica...

Staff Members

Bios of most staff members are not included due to security concerns.

Shaharzad Akbar

Executive Director

Shaharzad Akbar is a human rights activist from Afghanistan, currently in exile, and an Academy Fellow with Chatham House and a Visiting Scholar at Wolfson C...

Sadaf Dashti

Deputy Director

Ms. Sadaf is the Deputy Director for Rawadari. She has been a former Diplomat and has served as a Commercial Counselor at the Afghanistan Embassy in Brussels...

Our Donors

All content published on this website is developed by Rawadari and does not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.

Our Annual Reports

Rawadari Hightlights in 2023

25 March 2023

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